


5  years NO STOP is the exclusive extension program of the conventional warranty from 2 to 5 years, offered by TERMOTEK. By joining this program you will ensure your TERMOTEK device maximum efficiency and safety, thanks to the programmed maintenance carried out by our Authorized Technical Assistance Centres. In fact with the program “5 years NO STOP” you have all the services provided in the conventional TERMOTEK warranty but for the duration of 5 years.


Extended Warranty Program

5  years NO STOP is the exclusive extension program of the conventional warranty from 2 to 5 years, offered by TERMOTEK. By joining this program you will ensure your TERMOTEK device maximum efficiency and safety, thanks to the programmed maintenance carried out by our Authorized Technical Assistance Centres. In fact with the program “5 years NO STOP” you have all the services provided in the conventional TERMOTEK warranty but for the duration of 5 years.


The 5-year programme NO STOP is combined with an annual routine maintenance contract for the duration of the extended warranty period, as provided for in DPR 412/93-551/93 and D.Lgs 192/05 – 311/06 and subsequent amendments, which oblige the person in charge of the gas gas boiler or wintry and summery air conditioning system to fulfill the periodic maintenance performed by professionally qualified personnel. In this way you will be able to fulfill legal obligations by entrusting to the TERMOTEK Authorized Technical Assistance Center in your area, which will guarantee an efficient and highly professional service. Do not renounce to always keep your gas gas boiler in efficiency, and to reduce consumption respecting the environment

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